Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Link Between Stress and Skin

While many factors can play a role in your skin's appearance and your complexion, one of the biggest concerns for your skin's health is STRESS. Your skin is one of the largest, most complex, hard-working and finely tuned parts of your body. So it's hardly surprising that the effects of stress may become vividly and often distressingly imprinted on its surface. Internal struggles and emotions will manifest themselves physically, usually on the face. More than a third of all patients who consult a dermatologist have emotional problems that turn out to be the main cause of disorders such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and hives.

Stress causes hormones in your body to change – and these hormonal changes can lead to an outbreak of rashes, blemishes, and inflammation in the skin. Everyone, even kids, deals with stress to some extent. Identifying the source(s) of stress in your life, then looking at how you deal with stress are important factors to consider when coping with stress and anxiety. Although stress cannot be eliminated entirely, there are things you can do to reduce it.

> regular workouts
> breathing exercises
> avoid people who stress you out
> learn how to say "no"
> take control of your environment
> spend some time in nature
> get a massage
> take a bath
> play with a pet


  1. So true, and thanks for posting such a helpful commentary. As the Marketing Director of Code SC, a skin care brand for men, I can tell you that we make our products multi-task as stress relievers by adding essential oils for an extra aromatherapy benefit. For example, our adult acne product - Nobody Told My Face Puberty Is Over - is made with Frankincense to calm the nerves and heal the skin. Of course, Ayurvedic skin practicioners have been using therapeutic essential oils for centuries. Lane, as an esthetician, do you see a benefit to aromatherapy in the skin care products you use on your clients?


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